Frequent Asked Questions

1. What is Axelib
hello world 1
2. How to create a project
hello world 1
3. How to create a project from template
hello world 1
4. How to share my project 
hello world 1
5. What can people to whom I share a project do
hello world 1
6. What is an entity
hello world 1
7. What is a field
hello world 1
8. How to create an entity
hello world 1
9. How to create a field
hello world 1
10. What types of fields can I create?
hello world 1
11. How can I manage rights in entities
hello world 1
12. Can anyone update a record in my entities/tables?
hello world 1
13. How to see all records in an entity
hello world 1
14. How to export records from an entity
hello world 1
15. How to remove all records from an entity
hello world 1
16. How to import records in an entity
hello world 1
17. How to create relations between tables
hello world 1
18. What is the CORS
hello world 1
19. Why can’t I reach my API
hello world 1
20. Why emails are not sent
hello world 1
21. What is a user
hello world 1
22. What is query
hello world 1
23. What is an exchange
hello world 1
24. What is a channel
hello world 1
25. What is a task
hello world 1
26. What is a logic
hello world 1
27. What is database instance
hello world 1
28. What is a webpage
hello world 1
29. What is are transactions
hello world 1
30. What are devices
hello world 1
31. What is legal information
hello world 1
32. What is cloud storage ?
hello world 1
33. Can I upload files without the API?
hello world 1
34. How to setup Stripe
hello world 1
35. How to setup Firebase push notifications
hello world 1
36. How to setup APNS push notifications
hello world 1
37. How to setup a default email sender
hello world 1
38. How to setup Pusher
hello world 1
39. How to setup Google Maps
hello world 1
40. How to send SMS ?
hello world 1
41. How to setup password rules
hello world 1
42. Is there a max lifetime to a token
hello world 1
43. Can I upload files whatever the size
hello world 1
44. Can I stop my backend
hello world 1
45. Can I save the data on my own database?
hello world 1
46. Can I use the same entity name in different projects?
hello world 1
47. How can I get a valid token?
hello world 1
48. Is Axelib GDPR compliant?
hello world 1
49. How are Optins managed?
hello world 1
50. How can I set an admin user?
hello world 1


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